Wednesday, July 11, 2007


Today, I’m taking the Ryanair flight from Nantes to Dublin. I’m by myself. Rich took me to the train station at Saumur this morning to get the early train to Nantes. I had a layover of several hours so I decided to walk around the centre of Nantes for a while. I had coffee in the Place de Pilori and was even able to check email via a free wifi hotspot (free for 15 minutes after viewing a 3 minute ad promo,
On the airport shuttle bus there was an Irish woman traveling with her 12 month old baby boy. I asked her if she needed help getting her things off the bus. But instead of me unloading her things she asked me if I would hold her baby while she did it. I was surprised that she let me hold her baby while she looked out for the more valuable Dunnes Stores wardrobe. Who says Irish people don’t know their way about the world?