Saturday, June 21, 2008


I saw this bin in Eddie’s neighborhood. Obviously, some Sinners (Sinn Fein) live in this house. It’s good to know that the flame still burns in someone’s heart.
The vote on the Lisbon Treaty was quite a shock for the rest of the Union. Ireland voted to reject the treaty. We were the only country that had a plebiscite on the treaty. Now, the wrath of God has descended on the Irish for being so ungrateful for all that Eurpoe has done for us.
Personally, I can’t see why anyone ever thought Ireland would vote to approve the treaty. One major provision would reduce the size of the Commission, a sort of executive cabinet, taking away Ireland’s one representative and giving us a share in a representative instead. The other major issue involved the creation of a European army. Ireland has a longstanding policy on neutrality that prevents us from being part of military alliances.
The French are about to take over the rotating Presidency. M. Sarkozy is poised to visit Ireland to “encourage” us to rethink our vote and fall in line with the plans of the large member states to rationalize the government of the Union in the context of future expansion (currently 27 member states, but Turkey, Ukraine, Serbia are waiting for their invitation).

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