We spent the day in Angers. We took the early train from Saumur with the commuters. It's only about 20 minutes.

Breakfast in the Saint Aubin district. There was a huge abbey here in the 12th Century but now the church is gone, leaving only the tower and an open plaza. Many of the abbey's other buildings have been converted into government buildings.
After breakfast we went to the tourist office to buy a CityPass. For €12 the pass allows entry into most of the city's attractions. With our map in hand we walked through the city center and up the hill to the chateau.

Was this the place where Diarmuid MacMurchú agreed the sale of Ireland to the Normans with Henri II?
The biggest change in the castle was the new roof on the chapel of Rene I. There was a fire here in 2009 and each of the previous times that we have visited, this part of the castle has been closed. But now it is rebuilt and open again.
We spent the whole morning wandering about the castle. We climbed the ramparts and walked around the walls. When we had had enough we walked through the little streets surrounding the castle to the Cathedral of Saint Maurice.

Even non-Muslims must wear the headscarf in the mosque.

Just when you think Reyrey has exhausted all possible ways to rock the scarf . . .
The scarf as auto-da-fé.
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