Saturday, March 29, 2008


Today we took a ride to Napa. Evan and Rich wanted to visit COPIA but I had other things in mind. We parked the car in the COPIA parking lot and I hauled out my bike. I rode down along the river until I reached Napa Valley College and Kennedy Park. I rode around there for a while. As I checked out the photovoltaic farm (1 megawatt) a rabbit hopped out from somewhere and checked me out before hopping along on his merry way.
I went back to the main road and noticed a sign for the River-to-Ridge Trail. It looked a little funky, a narrow path between two chain-linked fences, but I decided to try it out. I started riding along the trail but it was so muddy and rocky I gave up and started to hike. The trail opened out to beautiful foothill countryside. It went up a thousand feet over a mile and a half. At one point I came across a brown speckled bird's egg with the yoke spilling out. I wondered if I had just interrupted some animal's lunch - perhaps a raccoon or a fox.
The trail ended behind Napa State Hospital. There was another trail that took me to Skyline Park. I consulted with a lady on horseback about the best way to get back to the main road.

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