Saturday, July 12, 2008


Sophie, Karen, Jean-Michel

We went to Thizay for Jean-Michel’s big birthday bash. He is a teacher who met his partner Tom in the States when he lived there teaching French. Now he teaches English and they are restoring an old house in the village. Most of the neighbors were at the party so it had the feeling of an old-fashioned village fête.

Christelle and Christophe

Christelle and Christophe were two of the people we met at the party. Christelle had been Jean-Michel’s colleague at another school. Now she is the head teacher at the elementary school in Fontevraud (there are only two teachers – it’s a small school!).
Christophe is a mechanical engineer who has just started his own business. They only spoke French so we had to dig deep to communicate. Nevertheless we really enjoyed talking with them. Christophe especially was very funny with his fascination for Hollywood. His favorite TV series is Scrubs.
We also got to know Sophie, a school secretary who is married to an Egyptian. She lived in Alexandria for three years.


1 comment:

Christelle said...

Salut à vous deux, sympa ton blog Mairtin. Par contre, je ne suis plus en poste à Fontevraud mais à Cunault, à 15 km au nord de Saumur. Sinon, nous avons quand même essayé de parler un peu anglais, non? Et nous aimerions vous inviter à manger avant votre départ. A bientôt