Friday, July 18, 2008


All our visitors are gone so we have plenty of time to ourselves for hanging out. Today we rolled out of bed late, just in time to get to the mairie before they closed for lunch. Then we hung about reading the newspapers (stockmarket crash, bank panic, recession, yada yada). That put us in the mood to go back to bed for a nap.

We are quite tired today because we stayed out late last night in Saumur.
We met Christelle and Christophe for an apero before going to see the movie "Hancock". The movie was dubbed in French without any English support so it was a little taxing. I understood the main thrust of the plot (crash, bang, wollop; good guy as fallen hero; the journey of self-realiztion and self-actualization; good versus evil, Black versus White; the Barak Obama phenomenon) but the details were lost on me. Christelle was very gracious in filling me in.
After the movie we went back to their apartment for a light meal and lots of alcohol - cider, wine, champagne. By the time we had finished it was close to 2:30 in the morning. We walked back to the car, thankfully we were the only people on the street at that time (No Hancock in Saumur, though there is potential for a Batman) and drove home to Montsoreau.

CORRECTIONS: Christelle would like it known that she works in Cunault, not Fontevraud as previously stated. Christophe is an electromechanical engineer not a simple mechanical engineer as intimated in a previous post (though what the difference is escapes me other than that a mechanical engineer is a person who does engineering with machines and an electromechanical engineer does engineering with machines powered by electricity. Can that really be the difference?).

La fontaine au Place de la Fontaine, Chinon.


Rick said...

purty hollyhocks, me likes. :-)

MáirtínTJ said...

That's our front window, too.
Thanks for redesigning the blog - it looks great!