Monday, September 1, 2008


We took the kids over to Stanford for our last day together. I cycled over on my bike and they went with Rich in the car. Rich's leg is still bothering him but at least he can walk without the crutches.
We planned to visit the Cantor Arts Center but of course it was closed. Why do museums and libraries close on days that people can spend time together with their families? Instead we walked around the Rodin sculpture garden then wandered around the campus.

Cantor Arts Center.

Hoover Tower which houses the Hoover Institute on War, Revolution and Peace.
I would put the peace part first in that title.

Memorial Church

I walked around the church with Mercedes. The church was closed. In fact I have never been to Stanford when the church was open, except when there was a wedding, and then it is closed to the public. We walked around the outside talking about the stained glass windows. When we got to the baptism of Jesus by John the Baptist Mercedes wanted to know what baptism means. Then she wanted to know why she had never been baptised. I explained that baptism is a symbolic washing of all the stuff from a person's birth. She seemed satisfied with that answer but I wasn't. What is baptism?

Me and Adam.

The Three Shades with an extra one.

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