Thursday, June 21, 2007


Today started and ended with miserable weather. June 21 - the beginning of Summer and the longest day of the year. Of course it is raining, hasn't really stopped since we got here, but today was the worst. We were looking forward to a good day of walking and exploring the city centre but our plans were curtailed by the inclement weather.
We did take the bus into the city centre. We have a three day pass for the bus so we are trying to make the best of it. We started by walking down the quays to see the the developments in the Docklands area. A whole new city is being built there but right now it seems like a vast building site. As we walked the soft misty rain turned into a bitter downpour. We took cover in an Italian cafe where we had coffee to wait out the rain. We might still be there if we were waiting for the rain to stop. We walked back up Lombard Street and Pearse Street into Westland Row to say hello to Treasa. She wasn't ready for her break so we decided to walk up to Merrion Square to the National Gallery. We pottered about, taking in the Jack B. Yeats (not all at once, mind you) then walked through the new Millenium wing to the Clare Street exit. Still raining. Hard. We took a taxi to the other side of the city, up to Parnell Square to the Hugh Lane Gallery. We were enjoying the video interview of Francis Bacon when some very loud Italian ladies walked through, shattering any hope of quiet reflection on his art. We did take a look at the reconstruction of his studio - a work of art in itself.

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