Saturday, July 21, 2007


“Under bare Benbulbin’s head” we stopped to visit Yeats’ grave. The cemetery is just outside Sligo Town on the road from Donegal. There were a lot of people about, the car park was full. There is now a tea room and art gallery on the grounds that weren’t there the last time I came through in 1982!
The church itself has been restored but it is now so new and shiny looking that it has lost all its old character. I suppose buildings must be conserved and restored but couldn’t they be renewed in a way that is sensitive to the centuries of struggle and strife that the building has been witness to?
There is a fine high cross from the 11th century in the churchyard. On one side panels depict the Fall of Man (Thank you Eve!), the Presentation in the Temple, and the Crucifixion; on the other side, Cain is slaying Abel and Christ is resurrected.



Rick said...

amen and god bless! -

how are ya? - looks like your having a good time ^_^

MáirtínTJ said...

I am. Right now I'm back in France with my mans.