This was my Uncle Horace's wedding reception. He married Lily McFall and the wedding reception was held in the apartment of her aunt and uncle. Her aunt was agoraphobic and hadn't left the apartment in 30 years. The aunt and uncle were Little People, brother and sister who lived together. Lily's parents lived in the same building on a lower floor.
My mother and father are in this picture along with my Uncle Eddie and his wife and child, my Uncle Victor, and my older sister and brother. My grandfather Fogarty is also in this picture.
This photo is a real reminder of what it was like to live in the "Buildings" of the Liberties. This was real tenament living - small quarters crowded with lots of people. This is where my mother grew up. Even though my father's experience wasn't very different in terms of living space he grew up in the country surrounded by dairy farms. Now it is hard to believe that Crumlin was ever in the sticks.
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