Wednesday, August 19, 2015


#LaBelleEpoque #16
"Star Fish, Jewish Star Fish, Really Jewish Star Fish"

We had a surprise visit from David Crook yesterday.  We bought the house from him and his wife Dot in 2006.  He appeared at our door with his new girlfriend Mo and of course we invited them in to to see all the changes we have made since David and Dot lived here.  They divorced after moving back to England (married 47 years).  Dot is doing well with her new BF who she met on a kibbutz (I'm guessing Dot was the Jewish one in the relationship).  They sold the house in Rivière and with his half of the proceeds David bought a house in Liverpool where he now lives.  He has joined a socialist choir and sings at all the strikes and demonstrations.  Solidarity forever!


Solidarity Forever
Pete Seeger

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