Wednesday, August 19, 2015


#LaBelleEpoque #17

Since Nicholas is coming home today after two weeks of quiet in the Place (if you don't count Anne-Marie and M. Bondin's bagarre) we decided we would spend the day in Poitiers.  The last time we were here AMG+TIM accompanied us.  We saw all the sights that time: Notre-Dame la-Grande, Cathedrale Saint-Pierre, the Saint-Jean Baptistry.  This time we concentrated on seeing life in the streets.  We walked around the old town (following the blue line suggested tour) and made visits to Sainte-Radegonde's shrine and the cathedral.  Along the way, we discovered the gems of the Hôtel de Ville and the Chapelle Saint-Louis which is now a gallery of contemporary art for the city.


Amen Sidney Poitier, dubbed by Jester Hairston,
from the movie "Lilies of the Field", director Ralph Nelson, 1963

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