1 magret de canard (boneless duck breast with skin)
10 dried figs sliced in half
1 cup fig liquor (Apéritif à la Figue)
olive oil
salt and pepper
Soak the figs in the liquor for at least an hour.
Preheat the oven to 300°F.
Pat the duck dry and salt and pepper to taste.
Heat the oil in a frying pan.
When the oil is really hot saute the duck skin side down for 3 – 4 minutes until the skin is golden brown and crisp.
Turn the duck over and fry for 3 – 4 minutes on the other side. The duck should be golden brown all over but pink in the center.
Remove the duck from the pan and slice into six thin slices. Place the duck on an ovenproof platter.
Sauté the figs adding any left over liquor to the pan.
Arrange the fig sauce over the duck on the platter.
Serve immediately.
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