Marcas invited me over to his house for dinner. His parents have rented a holiday cottage above the college. They spend a week in Donegal each year with Marcas and his sister Ruthie. I went to dinner right after class.
Marcas’ mom is a typical Irish mother. She takes really good care of her darling son. She made a boiled bacon dinner (apparently the lasagna burned and couldn’t be served) with turnip mash and potatoes. She also made a wonderful apple tart. Before we could dig in we had to say grace – a tradition with his parents who are something like extreme Catholics.
Even though his parents are Catholic they are not pleased with the current pope. In the past few days he has compared ordaining woman as priests to child abuse. Needless to say, both woman and victims of clergy sex abuse are not happy with the pope right now.
After dinner we went out for a walk. Marcas wanted to find an iron-age prominatory fort that he had seen marked on the map. The evening was beautiful – a clear sky and a gentle breeze. After the heavy rain during the day it was nice to be out in the fresh air.
We did walk a good distance scrambling over hillsides, and along trails close to the edge of the cliffs. In several places there was squishy bog to be avoided and streams to jump over. We had a good walk but we never found the fort.
As the sun began to drop down into the sea we headed back so that we would be in time for the evening activity (amhránaíocht).

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