Friday, June 12, 2009


Karen came by today. She had business to conduct in Chinon. I went with her for the ride.
At the computer place in Chinon I Skyped Rich and talked with him for about 30 minutes. I am so proud of how computer literate he is - Skyping, Facebooking, IMing - you've come a long way, baby.
All the same people still work at the computer place in Chinon, especially the young woman who helped us so much last year. She instantly recognized me as if I had just been in the store last week.
In the evening I met up with Christophe and Christelle who came by the house to look at the car. Christophe had it running in no time. His diagnosis was spot on - the battery had low from not having been driven for a while. I invited them to join us at Karen's house for dinner. I am taking care of Nico for a week while Karen is on a road trip.

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