Tuesday, September 8, 2015


#LaBelleEpoque #37
"Head of a Faun", 1937
Pablo Picasso 1881—1973
Ink and wax crayon on paper, 27 x 21cm
©1994 DACS, ©National Gallery Publications Ltd.

Phil's Sunday Seafood Boat generates a lot of shells for Bruno's chickens.
It reminds me of the Pig Man who used to come around every so often with barrels on a horse and cart.  He kept pigs at his house across the fields from us.  We collected all our slops (stale bread, tea leaves, potato peelings) that he fed to his pigs.  He should have given us a side of bacon for our trouble but he never did.

Prelude de l'apres-midi d'un faune

Claude Debussy
Danmarks Radios Symfoniorkester - Ion Marin
Solo Flute: Ulla Miilmann

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